We’ve had a blast at Zirkus Beatzarr! See you next time!
Check out the Hire us tab for more information to have us on your event!
We’ve had a blast at Zirkus Beatzarr! See you next time!
Check out the Hire us tab for more information to have us on your event!
Today we’ve performed for our sponsor Mac Maastricht at the Zweit veur Leid event!
During the weekend the UM Cheerleading Team (together with ISE- International Sports Events Maastricht) participated at Champions Trophy in Hamburg hosted by the Bucerius Law School.
We proudly defended our title and continued our winning streak with our 5th 1. place in a row.
In short 2 weeks, the coed-team will participate in the annual CT.
We are excited to attend this event with our entire UMbeatable family
Let’s defend our winning title from last year and bring home many many trophies in various disciplines!
For the first time ever Maastricht University Cheerleading Team performed with both teams (all-girl & coed) together.
We were happy to represent Maastricht at this year’s Royals Cup with all our 46 members.
The Maastricht University Cheerleading Team is proud to represent the students in Maastricht, the hosts of this event, with the entire team of 46 members (coed & all-girl).
Never before did we have a performance with such a numerous sum of team members.
It is evident that the preparation time with such a large group is almost immeasurable, but after a successful training weekend we feel confident about our performance and are now excited for the amazing event and to see what our Royals Cup Team has planned for all of us participants.
We hope you guys are excited for our performance as well.
First place in the division: Senior Coed Level 5